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Hello everyone, my name is Erika Terzi. I was born in Greece but I have Greek and German nationality. I’m a professional model, actress and occupational therapist. Basically I’m an introverted person who believes in love, peace, romance, God, morality and humanity. In my life I like to follow my dreams and to help people heal their wounds. A phrase that characterizes me is that I cannot live without doing freely my ART.

When did you start your Modeling career?

I started my Modeling career at the age of twenty, when I moved from my village in Western Greece (Amaliada) to the capital of Greece (Athens) for my studies (Occupational Therapy Science & Acting).

From your Instagram content it seems that you have a lot of confidence, are you always comfortable in front of the camera? What do you do to be so confident and photogenic?

Well, real confidence is a human‘s weapon that someone can gain only with hard work and a high level of self-awareness. Generally, in my life I worked a lot with myself, so I feel that I’m a confident enough woman. Now, as long as I’m always comfortable in front of the camera, the right answer is that my confidence still remains inside me, but the quantity of my confidence’s expression may differ. It has to do with the moral structure and the spirit of solidarity of the group I will collaborate with, cause our work is always TEAMWORK! However, regardless of the circumstances, I always give my best.

In your opinion what characteristics must a girl have to be a photo model? Is it enough just to be beautiful?

To become a photo model, beauty is only the key to unlock the door and enter the room. If you want to stay and make a difference, you must have a strong and genuine character with inner beauty. Plus you have to love hard work. If you want to maintain the gift of beauty, you must have strict discipline in your diet, your training and your rest schedule. You have to be strong enough to overcome all the rejections during your path to success and diplomatic enough to manage the people you have to collaborate with. If you want to differ, you have to discover your own unique temperament and style and learn which poses, angles, colors and expressions highlight you the most. You have also to treat people around you with kindness and respect and always appreciate the work they do for you to have the amazing final results of your photoshootings. Finally, you should update yourself about new ideas and perspectives in photography and of course to improve your general skills such as flexibility and self-expression. Always remember there is no perfection, only continuous improvement!

Besides Modeling, do you have any other passions?

Generally I’m a real passionate person. First of all, I have a lot of passion for LIFE. I love to live in my life the experiences of my willingness and I’m trying the times that this happens to be fully inside the moment (present) without accepting the distractions of my thoughts. The second biggest passion I have is doing my ART. I love to express my inner world, to give shape, form and substance in my urges, in any way I can and wish at the given moment for example through singing, dancing/aerial dancing, acting, writing, poetry etc.

What do you expect from Miss Europe Continental?

Participating in international beauty contests has been one of my biggest dreams since I was a young girl. I was always admiring the beauty and the multiculturalism. Miss Europe Continental is one of the biggest, most brilliant and most respectable contests worldwide, so I can’t wait to take part and finally become a member of this amazing family. It’s a big honour for me to represent my country in a competition of such magnitude and to present the grace, beauty and grandeur of Greek culture. Sciences and Arts were born in Greece. I promise to give my best for the land of light with the blue-white flag!

What advice would you give to other candidates?

To believe in themselves, to be genuine, to enjoy the experience and to take with them on stage their prettiest smile. Memories like this last forever and regardless of the result we are all winners.
First of all, all of us, we have to say thank you, to that young girl we each of us were, who was dreaming, believing, trying and finally achieved to live the experience that we always wanted. It’s already a huge achievement!

Tell us about your future projects.

In the future I would like to achieve to establish my own production company in which I can work with my team to create different kinds of artistic products such as movies, series, photoshootings, recordings, videoclips etc. In addition, as an occupational therapist, I would like to engage in business in health care, specifically in rehabilitation through alternative and art therapies.

Erika Terzi – Erika Terzi (@erriete_) • Instagram


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