– You have a lot of experience as a photoshoot model, tell us more about how you started in this field?
I started modelling when I was in my early 20’s. I had friends at the time that were models and they suggested that I enter a local beauty pageant in Sydney, Australia and I won first place and then from there onwards started booking a lot of photoshoots with high end fashion brands and different campaigns across the field.
-You travel a lot, is it for work or for tourism? What have you learned from visiting other countries?
I do travel a lot and always welcome it and enjoy visiting new countries and cultures. It has been a mixture of traveling for modeling opportunities and for charity projects that I support and that I am involved with, and of course also just purely for leisure as well. I have learnt so much from different cultures and people that I have met along the way when travelling. My perspective on topics always widens and grows when travelling and it teaches you self-awareness and to have flexibility within yourself and with others.
– Is there a woman who inspires you?
As I have grown and evolved as a person, I have found my mother to be a source of inspiration and wisdom. Sometimes it is not so much in what she says but it is in how she propels me to grow spiritually, emotionally and mentally which has taught me so much and inspires me daily.
– Miss Europe Continental will be your first international experience, what do you expect from the contest?
I would love to learn more about myself, meet new people and connect with different opportunities and situations that can elevate me to the next level in my professional career. It is all about the experience for me, connecting and creating lasting memories that affect others and myself in a positive light.
– What advice would you give to girls who want to start a career in the fashion world?
You need to be willing to step outside your comfort zone so it’s important to embrace and welcome it all, and not take things personally. Be consistent. Have fun with each project and ask yourself what is this teaching me? And how can I improve and continue to better myself?
– How do you see yourself in 10 years?
Since I am constantly evolving and growing, I see myself having a deeper understanding of the world around me, my loved ones and humanity as a whole.
Which I know will connect me to my purpose and fulfilment. Working in film/movies is a dream of mine so I would love to get to this level and
continue to work with exciting, creative and talented people in the modeling and fashion industry. It’s all about the journey and evolving to the highest level of consciousness so we can be a source of positivity and light for the world and finding a mission that is bigger than just about us, something that supports humanity and everything around us with light and unity.
Thank you for your time, we are excited to meet you very soon.
Follow her on instagram – https://www.instagram.com/victoriafrancofernandeze