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1. You are on the official team of Fashion Designers of Miss Europe Continental Edition 12. How does it feel to be part of such a dynamic and established international team?

I was very surprised to be invited to such an event. I am very happy and honoured because my work was recognized. I was sceptical and didn’t believe that this was true but working with Maria is a very nice experience and you can feel the pleasant atmosphere. A really, really nice experience so far.

2. Tell us about your Creativity and Passion:

a) What do you draw the most inspiration for your creations from?

We are all different. Different body shapes, different tastes in fashion…
I like to adapt the model to the woman for whom it is sewn. To emphasize all the most beautiful things on her body and cover up what makes her feel insecure. That’s how my model makes a woman feel cozy and comfortable in it, and then that satisfaction can be seen on her face.

b) How would you describe the woman you draw for?

Most often, I create by listening to the wishes of my clients. After that, I give suggestions or advice on what kind of model would be ideal for their figure. Then we choose a colour that matches her skin tone and the cut of the model itself, but the biggest emphasis is on the functionality of the model.

I like to feel comfortable in the clothes I wear, but I also like to highlight the beauty of the female figure. I transfer that to my design as well.

3.Tell us about your future plans.

My great desire is the freedom to create and “play” with fabrics. I wouldn’t reveal too much about my plans because then it won’t be a surprise, but the brand is the goal I’m aiming for, and I see participating in Miss Europe Continental as a great opportunity on the way to that goal.

4.What advice would you give to an aspiring fashion designer who dreams of pursuing this career?

Considering that I have not reached my goals yet, I can answer this question in the way that I would advise myself: “If you have a clear goal and a great desire, there are no obstacles that you can overcome. There will be many other people’s opinions on the way, but they don’t see the picture YOU have in your mind. Believe in yourself and your abilities and follow YOUR dream”.

I have never applied for participation in any competition. I’m following my dream and slowly moving towards it, and opportunities come along as well as the obstacles. It is up to us whether we will use them and how.

5. What do you expect from this experience at Miss Europe Continental?

I see participation in Miss Europe Continental as an opportunity to make new acquaintances. I expect to see how a big fashion show is prepared, how it all looks when it is organized at a high level. I will also set standards for myself in that way. I honestly don’t have too high expectations, but I believe that it is a great opportunity for me and that it will be an experience. I expect a good time and socializing with people who share my love and passion for this job. I believe that good energy will be present and that I will certainly be different after that experience. I hope even better.

Take a look to her profile:


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