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Retracing History: A Television Collection

Producer Alberto Cerqua is always working to find new ways to spread his productions globally and give visibility to the contestants of the Miss Europe Continental Beauty Contest.

“Since 2013 we have been organizing the best events in the field of beauty contests and if I look back in time to today there are thousands of candidates who have participated in Miss Europe Continental. For me it is important that there is a trace of the participation of each Miss, that their presence on stage is remembered and known by the spectators.

International Beauty Contest ( ) is the new official website partner of Miss Europe Continental, where you can consult a table with the names of the winners and runners-up of all the editions. In addition, the website contains the lists of all the candidates regardless of their classification and the streaming of past and more recent editions. Viewers will be able to find out through this website who the presenters were, the members of the Jury and the locations that hosted each edition”.

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